Saturday, April 9, 2011


Medicalnewstoday E. coli An Unlikely Contaminant Of Plant Vascular Systems A technique developed by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists for tracking pathogens has helped confirm that Escherichia coli is not likely to contaminate the internal vascular structure of field-grown leafy greens and thus increase the incidence of foodborne illness. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) microbiologist Manan Sharma wanted to find out if plant roots could draw in E. coli pathogens from the soil when taking in nutrients and water. He and colleagues modified several types of E. coli - including some highly pathogenic strains that cause foodborne illness - by adding a gene for fluorescence. This allowed them to track the pathogen's journey from the field to the produce Food regulation Medicalnewstoday

Calorie Labeling In Chain Restaurant Menus And Vending Machines, FDA Proposal In what is seen as a serious effort to tackle America's obesity epidemic, the FDA is proposing compulsory calorie labeling on the menus of chain restaurants, vending machines and some other food retail outlets. Members of the public, experts, associations and advocacy groups are invited to offer suggestions by visiting a specific web page. In a communiqué issued by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) yesterday, the proposal will include chain restaurants and other similar retail food outlets.The Agency would like customers to be able to view calories listed in restaurants and food retail outlets which form part of a chain consisting of at least 20 locations which trade under the same name and have substantially similar menus. Such outlets may include fast food restaurants, coffee shops, some grocery and convenience stores, and bakeries. Businesses whose main purpose of business is not food, but also sell food will not be included, such as airports, movie theatres, and sports centers (e.g. bowling alleys).The FDA is also inviting members of the public to make suggestions on anything that might improve the proposal, such as adding other types of food outlets which the current proposal may have missed out.Another proposed rule would include compulsory calorie information in food sold through vending machines. Comments are invited on both proposals.

Food research Foodproductiondaily Nano-biosensors to boost detection of foodborne pathogens- research A nano-based biosensor that could be used for early stage detection of foodborne pathogens such as E.coli and salmonella is under development by scientists in the US. Nano-based biosensor under development at Kansas State University. Researchers at Kansas State University are using carbon nanofibres (CNF) as part of the biosensors to detect the bacteria, an application which could have a huge take up in the state’s huge meat processing sector, they said. Jun Li, associate professor of chemistry, and doctoral student Lateef Syed, said they chose CNFs because they are able to form an array of tiny electrodes even smaller than bacteria and viruses. When these microbial particles are captured at the electrode surface, an electric signal can be detected. The associate professor said the technology could be brought to market in around two years.

Food regulation Foodqualitynews TB fraud prompts FSA reminder on raw milk rules The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued a reminder to local authorities and dairy businesses on the rules governing the sale of raw milk after some UK farmers were found to have been swapping ear tags that mark out cows infected with tuberculosis (TB).Evidence has emerged that some farmers in the South West of England and the Midlands have been illegally swapping ear tags to keep TB-positive animals in their herds and send less productive animals to slaughter.

New product development Foodnavigator Oil-hydrocolloid mix may cut trans fats without affecting quality: Study The hydrogenated fat content of bakery products may be reduced by replacing trans fats with sunflower or coconut oils, and still maintain characteristics similar to ‘full-fat’ products, says new research. Replacing hydrogenated fats with sunflower oil or coconut oil increased the polyunsaturated fat content by over 40 percent, but hydrocolloids were needed to ensure the quality characteristics of the cake. Writing in the Journal of Texture Studies, researchers from the Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), India, explained that more people becoming aware of the relationship between the consumption of hydrogenated trans fats and coronary heart disease. As a result, they said that “continuous attempts” are being made by the food industry to redesign and reformulate products to eliminate or replace hydrogenated fats

General information Foodnavigator International food risk communication center formed International food safety authorities have set up a new organization with the aim of creating a collective international resource providing communication materials about food risks along the supply chain. The organization, the International Center of Excellence in Food Risk Communication (ICEFRC), includes global food and health organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, and non-profit communication experts. The founding partners include four US-based organizations – the International Food Information Council Foundation, the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, the National Center for Food Protection and Defense, and the United States Department of Agriculture – as well as Health Canada, and Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

Food safety issue (radioactive issue) Online news-thestar Japan says it may take months to end radiation leaks TOKYO (Reuters) -Japan's government warned on Sunday it may take months to stop radiation leaking from a nuclear plant crippled by a huge earthquake and tsunami three weeks ago, as more bodies were recovered in devastated areas of northeast Japan.A worker wearing a protective suit walks near the damaged pit at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant No. 2 reactor in Fukushima prefecture, northern Japan April 2, 2011 in this handout photo released by Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency on April 3, 2011. (REUTERS/Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency/Handout).An aide to embattled Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the government's priority was to stop radiation leaks which were scaring the public and hindering work on cooling overheated nuclear fuel rods

Food safety issue (radioactive issue) Online news-
bharian Jurutera gagal tutup rekahan loji TOKYO: Jurutera semalam gagal menutup rekahan yang menyebabkan air tercemar radiasi mencurah ke dalam Lautan Pasifik dari loji jana kuasa nuklear yang musnah akibat gempa bumi dan tsunami bulan lalu, namun pencarian di tapak itu tidak menemui kebocoran lain semalam. Gambar diedarkan syarikat pengendali loji, Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), menunjukkan air memancut daripada dinding dan menyembur ke laut. Air tercemar itu segera larut dengan air laut, mungkin membahayakan kepada pekerja loji itu. Lopak air di loji nuklear Fukushima Dai-ichi, yang dipercayai datangnya dari teras reaktor, berulang kali memaksa juruteknik berundur dan menangguhkan tugas.

General information Online news-
bharian Lembu keluar susu manusia LONDON: Saintis sudah mencipta ternakan yang diubah secara genetik yang menghasilkan susu 'manusia' dalam cubaan menjadikan susu lembu lebih berkhasiat. Saintis memperkenalkan gen manusia ke dalam 300 lembu tenusu untuk menghasilkan susu dengan khasiat sama seperti susu ibu. Susu ibu mengandungi kuantiti tinggi nutrisi penting yang membantu menaikkan sistem pertahanan badan bayi dan mengurangkan risiko jangkitan. Saintis di balik penyelidikan itu percaya susu dari ternakan lembu yang diubah suai secara genetik mungkin menghasilkan satu alternatif terhadap susu ibu dan susu formula untuk bayi, yang sering dikritik sebagai bermutu rendah.

Recall (allergen) FSA Sainsbury's withdraws some Freefrom Chocolate Sponge Pudding Sainsbury’s has withdrawn its Freefrom Chocolate Sponge Pudding with a'best before' date of 13 April 2011, because the product contains low levels of milk protein. Milk is not an intended ingredient and this makes the product a possible health risk for anyone who is allergic to or intolerant of milk.

Recall (allergen) CFIA


warning people with allergies to peanuts not to consume the Doctor's CarbRite Diet Chocolate Brownie bars described below. The affected product contains peanuts which are not declared on the label.The affected product, Doctor's CarbRite Diet Chocolate Brownie bars are sold in 56.7 g (2.00 oz) packages, bearing UPC 0 39442 08112 4 and code EXP101211.This product may have been distributed nationally.

Food regulation FSA

FDA proposes draft menu and vending machine labeling requirements, invites public to comment on proposals The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today issued two proposed regulations regarding calorie labeling on menus and menu boards in chain restaurants, retail food establishments, and vending machines. The FDA invites input on the proposed regulations by visiting http://www.regulations.gov1/.“These proposals will ensure that consumers have more information when they make their own food choices,” said Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. “Giving consumers clear nutritional information makes it easier for them to choose healthier options that can help fight obesity and make us all healthier.”

Food regulation EFSA Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 86, Revision

1 (FGE.86Rev1): Consideration of aliphatic and aromatic amines and amides evaluated by JECFA (65th meeting) The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) asked the Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (the Panel) to provide scientific advice to the Commission on the implications for human health of chemically defined flavouring substances used in or on foodstuffs in the Member States. In particular, the Panel was requested to consider the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (the JECFA) evaluations of flavouring substances assessed since 2000, and to decide whether no further evaluation is necessary, as laid down in Commission Regulation (EC) No 1565/2000. These flavouring substances are listed in the Register, which was adopted by Commission Decision 1999/217/EC and its consecutive amendments.The present consideration concerns 34 aliphatic and aromatic amines and amides evaluated by the JECFA (65th meeting). The Panel concluded that no corresponding FGE is available.

Recall (microb) FSIS Minnesota Firm Recalls Turkey Burger Products Due to Possible Salmonella Contamination WASHINGTON, April 1, 2011 -Jennie-O Turkey Store, a Willmar, Minn.establishment, is recalling approximately 54,960 pounds of frozen, raw turkey burger products that may be contaminated with Salmonella, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. As FSIS continues its investigation of illnesses related to this recall, additional raw turkey products may be recalled. As a result, FSIS is alerting consumers to take extra care when preparing all raw turkey products.

Food regulation EFSA Updated technical specifications for harmonised reporting of food-borne outbreaks through the European Union reporting system in accordance with Directive 2003/99/EC In the analyses of the reported data on food-borne outbreaks at the European Union level it is important to address the relevance of different food categories as outbreak vehicles and the causative agents most frequently associated with these food vehicles. This report includes an update of the technical specification for harmonised reporting of food-borne outbreaks to the European Union, which allow to better achieve their objectives. The distinction between “verified” and “possible” food-borne outbreaks is abandoned in the reporting. Member States shall report all food-borne outbreaks which meet the definition in the Directive 2003/99/EC. In case of food-borne outbreaks where no particular food vehicle is suspected and for food-borne outbreaks where the evidence implicating a particular food vehicle is weak only a limited dataset is reported. This includes the number of outbreaks per causative agent and the number of human cases, hospitalisations and deaths. A detailed dataset is to be reported for food-borne outbreaks where the evidence implicating a particular food vehicle is strong, based on an assessment of all available evidence. The information to be reported for these outbreaks includes the nature of the evidence to support the link between cases of disease in humans and the food vehicle as well as data on causative agents, food vehicles and the factors in food preparation and handling that contributed to the food-borne outbreaks. Food research MASU Lower BPA By Choosing Fresh Over Canned Foods A new study has some promising news on how we can control our exposure. It shows that we can reduce our exposure to BPA – in a relatively short period of time – simply by making some smart choices at the grocery store. The study had five families stop using canned and plastic food packaging for a few days and instead they ate organic food and meals stored in glass or stainless steel containers. After just three days, the families’ BPA levels dropped and average of 60%. However, as soon as the families went back to their regular diets, their BPA levels went up again. Food regulation MASU FDA advisers want more study of food dye-ADHD link A Food and Drug Administration advisory committee decided Thursday there is insufficient evidence to support a link between artificial dyes in foods and children with ADHD. The committee will make no recommendation to ban or regulate dye additives found in food products. But the committee did stress that there seems to be a trend with artificial dyes and side effects in children and that more research is needed.

General information consumer.healthday Research Warns of Overuse of Powerful Class of Antibiotics SUNDAY, April 3 (HealthDay News) -- The use of a powerful class of antibiotics called carbapenems has increased dramatically in the United States over the past five years, a new study shows.The increased use of these drugs -- widely regarded as the last option for treating severe infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria -- is cause for concern because carbapenem-resistant bacteria are becoming more common, the researchers said. Overuse of carbapenem drugs could lead to the reduction of their effectiveness against tough-to-treat infections.

Food regulation Foodnavigator UK pressure group backs proposed EU labelling amendment A UK pressure group against the use of processing aids in bread production is backing a proposed amendment to EU regulation that will require foods frozen, and then defrosted before sale, to be labelled ‘defrosted’. The proposed revision to the EU Food Information Regulation (FIR), adopted by the EU Council at its first reading last month, will enable greater transparency over the marketing of par baked loaves in particular, claims the Real Bread Campaign. The amendment, should it be carried, would represent a significant change to existing EU labelling laws (Directive 2000/13/EC) where you only label goods as 'defrosted' (chicken, for instance) when it is believed the absence of such a designation could potentially mislead the consumer.

Food regulation Nutraingredients Lobbying intensifies ahead of MEP omega-3 infant health claim vote Lobbying is ratcheting up ahead of next week's European Parliament (EP) vote on whether to permit a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Commission (EC)-approved claim linking omega-3 form DHA and infant eye health. Will DHA-based infant visual development claims be allowed in the European Union? Eyes will turn to the European Parliament which must vote on the matter next week.The claim submitted by infant formula maker Mead Johnson won in 2009 an EFSA positive opinion for visual development in infants up to 12 months if products contained at least 0.3 per cent of their fatty acid content in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). The claim was then validated at EC committee level, but an EP committee last month narrowly voted to oppose it (30-28) and next week the Parliament will vote on whether to send the claim to the EU legislature or to scrap it.

Food regulation Perishablenews Gluten Free Community Seeks Resolution To Overdue FDA Labeling Regulations Columbia, MD - Prominent members of the burgeoning gluten-free community announced today a collaborative “1in133” event on May 4 to bake the world’s largest gluten-free cake as part of an effort to draw attention to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) delay in finalizing standards for gluten-free food labeling. The name is derived from the fact that one in every 133 people in the U.S. suffers from celiac disease or a gluten intolerance issue.

Food safety issue 03/04/11: Food safety in school canteen Malaysian schools are expected to provide a safe environment for children in all aspects of safety, especially food.If, like the Health Minister says, about half of all food poisoning cases occur in schools, then why hasn’t the ministry done anything about it, except talk and provide shocking figures.It is alarming that 5,496 students or almost 10 per cent of the 57,364 students, were exposed to the risk, as disclosed by Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai yesterday.

Food safety issue SCPINET Food Companies (Cosmetic) Use of Synthetic Food Dyes: The Case of Cancer and Ammonia Process Caramel in Soft Drinks OTTAWA (March 31, 2011)-Ammonia process caramela synthetic dye created by heating sugar in the presence of ammoniais used to give Coke, Pepsi, and other cola soft drinks their brown or black colour. In a letter to Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq, the Centre for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is calling on the federal government to heed the expert opinions of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, and a cadre of top U.S. toxicologists who have raised serious concerns about two carcinogens created during the synthesis of ammonia process caramel, which cause an estimated two dozen cancer deaths annually in Canada.

Food safety issue 03/04/11: 16 suspects charged in pork scandal China’s top prosecution body has filed charges of breach of duty against 16 government officials implicated in a tainted pork scandal, while the alleged misdeeds of another 41 are still being probed. An official with the Supreme People’s Procuratorate confirmed to China Daily that investigations are being conducted into the actions of 12 civil servants, who include quarantine inspectors and animal-epidemic prevention coordinators in Central China’s Henan province, as well as four officials from the commerce bureau and animal health control department in East China’s Jiangsu province.The official, who asked to not be named, said prosecutors also have another 41 officials in Henan under scrutiny and have applied coercive measures against 72 farmers and brokers suspected of producing and selling tainted pork.

Food regulation CSPINET CSPI Hails Proposed Menu Labeling Regulations Ten years after starting a movement to put calories on chain restaurant menus and menu boards, the Center for Science in the Public Interest strongly supports the proposed menu labeling regulations released by the Food and Drug Administration. The new regulations are required by the health care reform law enacted last March, which requires chain restaurants with 20 or more outlets to post calories on menus and menu boards, and to provide additional nutrition information in writing upon request. The proposed rules released today are expected to be finalized by the end of the year.

Food regulation CSPINET Strong FDA Action on Food Dyes Urged I’m glad that after many years of denial, the Food and Drug Administration is reviewing the evidence linking synthetic food dyes to behavioral problems in children. Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, and other dyes have no useful nutritional or preservative value; their only function is cosmetic. And by "cosmetic," I mean that dyes are often used to make junk food more attractive to young children, or to simulate the presence of a healthful fruit or other natural ingredient. Surprisingly, even foods that aren’t particularly colorful—such as instant mashed potatoes or pickles—are dyed. The evidence that these petrochemicals worsen some children's behavior is convincing, and I hope that the FDA’s advisory committee will advise the agency to both require warning notices and encourage companies voluntarily to switch to safer natural colorings. (The FDA isn't asking the committee about a ban.) Having brightly colored Froot Loops, Skittles, Mountain Dews, or pickles or anything else just isn't worth putting any children at risk.

Food safety issue Foodproductdesign No Fooling: Dead Mouse Found in Energy Drink FEDERAL WAY, Wash.—A 19-year-old Washington man is suing Hansen Beverage Company claiming he found a dead mouse in a can of Monster Energy Drink after he finished drinking it. As reported by Fox News, Vitaliy Sulzhik said he finished drinking a Monster Energy Drink that he purchased at a local supermarket and realized the can wasn’t empty. After cutting the top of the can off, he discovered a dead mouse at the bottom. The incident occurred in March 2010, and the plaintiff has pictures and lab testing to support his case. The tests revealed there was no trauma or poison involved in the mouse’s death. Sulzhik's attorney said Hansen Beverage Company has declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Food regulation Foodproductdesign Resveratrol Self-Affirmed GRAS EASTON, Pa.—Fluxome announced its natural resveratrol was self-affirmed GRAS. The affirmation allows the inclusion of Fluxome Resveratrol in a range of food and beverage products. The company’s resveratrol is produced in the United States via a patented fermentation process.“The GRAS status confirms the safety and superiority of fermentation-derived products, where all process parameters are tightly controlled," said Bo Stenhuus, Ph.D., vice president compliance. “With the GRAS status in the United States, Fluxome has taken a major step forward in its process of obtaining sales approvals for Fluxome Resveratrol in other countries and regions."

Food regulation Foodproductdesign FDA Panel Opposes Warning Labels for Food Colors SILVER SPRING, Md.—The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food
Advisory Committee on March 31 voted 8-6 against recommending warning labels on foods with synthetic color additives; however, the panel did call for more studies to determine if there is a link between food colors and hyperactivity in children. As reported by Reuters, FDA will consider the committee's recommendations in the next few months and decide how to respond to the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s request to either ban food coloring or mandate warning labels.The International Food Information Council (IFIC) released a statement supporting FDA’s decision: “It was not surprised by the FDA Food Advisory Committee’s determination that artificial food colors do not cause hyperactivity in children. The scientific evidence currently does not show that food colors cause or exacerbate hyperactivity or other behavior problems in the majority of children."

Food regulation Online news-reuters UPDATE 2-US panel rejects food dye warning, asks more study SILVER SPRING, Md., March 31 (Reuters) - A possible link between artificial food dyes and hyperactivity in children warrants further study though current data is too weak to merit warning labels, a U.S. advisory panel said. An expert panel voted 8-6 on Thursday against recommending a warning on the wide range of snacks, cereals, candy, beverages and other foods brightened with artificial colors. The advisers called for more study to determine if the colors worsen hyperactivity in some kids, as a consumer group and other critics argue, keeping the door open on a debate that has concerned parents since the 1970s.

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